Author: Team Levine Law

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Medical Marijuana in the Workplace

Medical marijuana is becoming more socially acceptable across the globe, and a major part of the movement began in Colorado. While many users have found the drug to be significantly

Breathing In the Fumes: Painter Safety Concerns

Painting can be a dangerous job, especially when you take into account the sheer number of risks involved in an average paint job — heights, unsafe locations, toxic chemicals and

Stopping Bikers Under the Influence

When you’ve had one too many drinks, you may not think about the risks involved with biking home. In fact, you may think that you’re being responsible, avoiding driving drunk

Colorado Bikers Push for Safety

Over the summer, a group of about 200 bicyclists, advocates and residents from Colorado gathered in Fort Collins in an effort to brainstorm new ideas for keeping bikers safe on

Settle vs. Sue

If you decide to pursue a personal injury case after an accident or injury, you should be prepared for the feedback and unsolicited advice you’re going to get. Just about