Author: Team Levine Law

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Dangerous Conditions Ahead

Road signs are designed to help drivers navigate area streets safely by providing information about street names, dangerous curve warnings, deer crossing zones and more. We rely on road signs

Play It Safe This Summer

In the summer, kids are constantly on the go, playing baseball and other club sports, taking swimming lessons and attending camp. Warm sunny days are great for being outdoors, but

Using Steering Wheels to Fight Drowsy Driving

Drivers who fall asleep at the wheel or nod off for even a few seconds are a huge threat to themselves and everyone else on the road.  In today’s non-stop

The War on Red Light Cameras

Since red light cameras were introduced at intersections across the country, thousands of drivers have received unflattering photos of themselves in the mail, accompanied by tickets and fines for running

Mitigation and Minimizing Damages

When you’re injured in a car accident, you want to take action and hold the responsible driver accountable by seeking compensation for your medical bills, damage to your vehicle and