Author: Team Levine Law

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A Look at Workers’ Compensation Trends for 2018

Workers’ compensation is one of the most important programs in place to protect employees who sustain harm on-the-job. Workers compensation provides broad protection whenever an employee is hurt or made

Protections for Whistleblowers

Workers are protected from unsafe working conditions by both state and federal laws. If there are hazards at your workplace, you can take action to bring these unsafe conditions to

Colorado Auto Insurance Requirements Explained

Auto insurance is usually the main source for compensating those injured in an accident, but in any given case the coverage issues can be complicated. There’s no standard policy that

How To Share The Road With Big Trucks

Since the beginning of the current US economic expansion in 2009, large trucks have made up an increasing portion of the vehicles traveling on American roads. In 2015 large trucks

Why Do Truck Accidents Happen?

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration estimates that about 475,000 accidents involving large trucks occur annually in the US resulting in 5,400 fatalities and 140,000 injuries each year. Although the precise circumstances

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