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Bruce Jenner Involved in Four-Car Collision, One Person Dead

Reality TV star and gold-medal Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner has been making headlines lately, first for his decision to undergo a sex-change and most recently for his involvement in a four-car crash that left one person dead and another driver and passengers with slight injuries.

The accident occurred last month, and since then, the media scrutiny and attention has led to plenty of speculation about Jenner’s potential negligence and the charges that may be filed as a result.

According to news reports, a Prius was traveling north on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, CA, when it slowed down without warning. A Lexus behind the Prius was unable to stop as quickly and crashed into the Prius.

Bruce Jenner’s black Escalade rear-ended the Lexus and forced it into oncoming traffic. On the opposite side of the road, a Hummer traveling south crashed into the Lexus when it changed lanes. The driver of the Lexus, 69-year-old Kim Howe, was killed.

Although Bruce Jenner and the driver of the Prius were not directly responsible for the collision that killed Howe, both may be charged with involuntary manslaughter for their involvement in the accident and the events that led to Howe’s death, Denver auto accident lawyers say.

If the Prius driver was doing something illegal when he or she slowed down—like texting while driving, or answering a cell phone call, or attempting to make an illegal U-turn—charges could be filed.

Additionally, Jenner’s actions will be similarly scrutinized. He was towing a vehicle when the accident happened, which may have factored into the force with which he hit the Lexus. If the vehicle was improperly set up to tow, or if the weight distribution was significantly dangerous, this could have an effect on potential charges. Jenner could also be cited if evidence shows he was tailgating the Lexus when it slowed down.

At the scene, Jenner and the other drivers were tested for drugs and alcohol with a field sobriety test. Jenner also volunteered a blood sample. Officials also requested inspections to be performed on all four vehicles to see whether a mechanical failure or defect contributed to the accident.

Media Attention is Not Helping the Matter

Several media outlets have offered their opinion on the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star’s involvement, which has not necessarily been helpful for Jenner to compile a defense. Photographs taken by paparazzi at the time show Jenner holding a cell phone, which has led to speculation that he was texting while driving, which is against the law in California and could be potentially incriminating evidence if it’s true.

It is usually difficult for an officer to prove that a driver was texting at the exact time of a crash, but with photos circulating, many reporters have already made up their minds. Jenner’s PR representative has issued a statement that he was not texting at the time.

Some reporters also offered speculation that Jenner’s hormone replacement drugs may be to blame. Jenner is currently transitioning from a man to a woman and has been prescribed a very low dose of hormones to start the process. Officers did not check for hormone drug use, as it is not considered a factor in accidents, but this has not stopped the media from drawing attention to it.

At Levine Law, Jordan Levine represents individuals who have been injured in auto accidents. To discuss your case, contact him today. 

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