Category: Car Accidents & Motor Vehicle Collisions

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“Move Over” Law More Strictly Enforced

When you’re out on the highway, it’s likely that you’ve seen a police officer or other emergency personnel, pulled over on the side. Whether they’re giving a traffic ticket or

State Patrol Convoy Caught Speeding, Apologizes

As drivers, we are often reminded of the importance of following posted speed limits. These rules are in place in order to keep us safe, no matter how unnecessary they

Aggressive Driving Can Take Lives

We’ve all done it before. Somehow your day didn’t start off exactly as you expected. You’re running late, hurrying to get going so you aren’t late for that important meeting,

Criticism for New HOV Lane

High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes are intended to make lives easier. With their decreased congestion, they are often welcome reprieves for drivers with many passengers, who just want to get

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