Category: Personal Injury

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How Safe Are Car Sharing Services?

Car sharing services have become very popular recently. But are the services safe? Personal injury lawyers in Denver have learned that in 2014, there were two sexual assaults on female

Strict Liability Claims

In most personal injury cases, there are individual people to blame for causing the injuries or damages incurred. For instance, a drunk driving case is often the fault of the

Minor Accidents and Injuries

If you’re involved in a fender bender or a minor car accident, you may think that because you walk away outwardly unharmed, and the damage to your car and property

Just the Facts, Please

In today’s world, a driver’s license is the main form of photo identification. Most people don’t carry around a passport, and business cards and/or work identification cards don’t normally have

Felony DUI Bill

Colorado’s new felony DUI bill will put the state in line with 46 of the others in the country, all of whom have legislation in place to treat certain drunk

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