Category: Personal Injury

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Hi-Tech Hunting Safety

A Tragic Mistake Shortly after Christmas 2013, a 28-year-old man was accidentally shot to death on his own parents’ property. The young man was hunting at night with two companions.

Delayed Auto Recalls Cause Harm to Many

The Defects This year, car owners learned of two major recalls, both for dangerously defective parts.  The first was the widely publicized recall by General Motors for defective ignition switches

Athletes and Abuse: Violence Off the Field

In October of this year, five California University of Pennsylvania football players were arrested for aggravated assault, reckless endangerment and other charges after severely beating a man when he tried

Teen Sexting and Bullying: A Serious Problem

“Sext” Education  Sexting is a hot topic today.  Webster defines sexting as “the sending of sexually explicit messages or images by cell phone.”  This definition is a bit narrow, however.