Category: Worker’s Compensation in Denver

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Disfigurement Awards

If you have been injured at work and your injury left permanent disfigurements, such as scarring, loss of a finger and/or a limb, you may be entitled to a disfigurement

Consider Your Weekly Wage

When you have been injured on the job and are expecting a long recovery time, it’s likely you are getting nervous about how you are going to pay for everything

Working Days and Nights

The cost of living gets higher and higher every day, and thousands of Americans have to work more than one job to make ends meet. Men and women are working

Workers’ Compensation and Telecommuting

Today’s super-connected, Internet-based society makes it easy for many people to work from home or telecommute using videoconferencing and email to get their jobs done. While working from home may

Schedule a Consultation

No Fees Unless We Win
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