Category: Worker’s Compensation in Denver

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Industrial Claims and Appeals

When you file a workers’ compensation claim in Colorado, it is typically handled by the Administrative Law Judges (ALJ) for the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE). These judges

How Does the APA Govern Workers’ Compensation?

In 1915, the Colorado laws governing workers’ compensation began as a form of no-fault insurance. At that time, the Industrial Revolution in the U.S. was changing the face of work

Carpal Tunnel

We’ve all seen the studies that claim sitting is the “number one cause of death in America” or is directly linked to obesity or causes a host of other vision,

Handling Injuries in Remote Locations

For the most part, road work and construction crews work in fairly accessible locations — after all, they’re working on the roads and highways we all use for travel. But

Safety Equipment – What Does Your Employer Provide?

In certain jobs and on worksites, a business casual dress code is inappropriate and insufficient. There are jobs that require specific clothing, covering and padding, which is all designed to

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