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Colorado Pedestrian Deaths on the Rise, AAA Says

A new study shows a startling trend in Colorado: fatal accidents involving cars and pedestrians have increased dramatically over the last decade.

The number of pedestrians killed on Colorado roadways per year has nearly doubled since 2009, according to AAA. That is a much bigger jump than the 55 percent increase in annual pedestrian deaths nationwide over the same period.

“The data suggest that pedestrians should take care to cross at crosswalks, when possible,” Skyler McKinley, an AAA Colorado spokesperson said in a statement announcing the new data. “Drivers, in turn, need to be more vigilant – especially in urban areas, and especially at night. Finally, governments must seriously evaluate lowering speed limits and changing roadway design in pedestrian-heavy corridors.”

The vast majority of pedestrian accidents happen in urban areas, according to AAA, and in “mid-block locations” of larger roads meant to move heavy volumes of traffic. The number of pedestrians killed in crashes that happened outside of crosswalks or on roads without crosswalks jumped by 70 percent over the decade nationwide.

Recent pedestrian accidents in Denver and elsewhere across the country highlight the fatal consequences that often occur when a car collides with a person traveling on two feet. 

A Colorado man was recently charged with manslaughter after police say he mowed down a 68-year-old pedestrian on a sidewalk in Northglenn. Late last year, pedestrians were killed in separate accidents in Denver and Aurora. 

Roughly three in every four pedestrian accidents nationwide happens in darkness when visibility is reduced, AAA said.

Legal Rights for People Injured in Car and Pedestrian Accidents in Colorado

As the new AAA data shows, car and pedestrian accidents can and do happen. They can be caused by a number of factors, from aggressive driving or getting behind the wheel while intoxicated to a vehicle manufacturing defect.

Anyone injured in a crash has the right to seek compensation from those responsible. That includes money damages for doctors’ bills, property damage and any impact of the injuries on the person’s ability to earn a living, among other compensation.

Colorado law also gives the family of a person killed in a crash the right to seek just compensation from those responsible for the accident. Although the money damages available in wrongful death cases will not allow you to go back in time and stop the accident from happening, it can ease some of the financial burdens that can come with losing a loved one.

Our Denver Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Can Help You Get Compensation

If you or a loved one has been injured in a pedestrian or car accident in Colorado, a Denver accident lawyer at Levine Law can help. 

Our Denver personal injury attorneys combine decades of experience helping people injured in a wide range of accidents get the money they deserve. We have a strong track record of successful results for our clients.

Our lawyers are pleased to serve clients throughout Colorado, including in Denver, Colorado Springs, Ft. Collins and Loveland. Call us at 303-333-8000 or contact us online to speak with a Denver accident lawyer.

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