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Denver Public Works Releases Report on Causes and Effects of Pedestrian Accidents

Each year, hundreds of pedestrians are injured in accidents in Denver, CO. The city’s pedestrian fatality rate is higher than that of many other walker and jogger-friendly cities around the country, and the numbers of injuries and fatalities have both remained fairly steady in recent years.

These figures come from a recent report published by Denver Public Works (DPW) titled, Pedestrian Crash Analysis: Understanding and Reducing Pedestrian & Motor Vehicle Crashes. The report contains some other notable statistics as well, and it provides additional insights into the causes and effects of pedestrian accidents as well as some solutions that are currently on the table.

Key Factors in Pedestrian Accidents

According to Denver Public Works, the following are all key factors in pedestrian accidents:

  • While cars and vans are the vehicles most likely to be involved in pedestrian accidents, accidents involving SUVs and pickup trucks are the most likely to result in accident-related injuries.
  • The “peak crash period” for pedestrian accidents is rush hour, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Pedestrian accidents peak during the morning commute as well, though not as significantly as in the afternoon.
  • In Denver, pedestrian accidents occur most frequently during the winter months. In the winter, pedestrian accidents are even more likely to occur in the afternoon.
  • Although most pedestrian accidents occur in areas with low-speed limits, accidents that occur in areas with higher speed limits are significantly more likely to result in injuries or death.
  • Distracted driving, aggressive driving, driver inexperience, and alcohol and drug impairment are the leading driver-related causes of pedestrian accidents.
  • Drivers are far more likely to be at fault in accidents involving left and right-hand turns. In these cases, pedestrians have the right of way approximately 90 percent of the time.

“High Crash” Corridors and Downtown Intersections

In addition to identifying the causal factors discussed above (among others), Denver Public Works’ analysis also identified the corridors and intersections that have the highest rates of pedestrian accidents. These include:

  • Colfax Boulevard
  • Colorado Boulevard
  • Federal Boulevard
  • Intersections around Coors Field
  • Intersection of 13th Avenue and Broadway
  • Intersection of 14th Avenue and Lincoln Street
  • Intersection of 20th Street and Market Street

Solutions to Reduce Pedestrian Accidents in Denver

In order to reduce the number of pedestrian accidents at these and other locations around Denver, DPW is currently considering a number of interim and permanent solutions. For example:

  • Installing mid-block crossing signals
  • Installing “refuge islands” for long street crossings
  • Installing curb extensions to shorten street crossings
  • Tightening corner radii in order to reduce vehicle speed during turns
  • Shortening signal cycles for vehicles
  • Banning left and right turns in areas that have high rates of pedestrian accidents

Accident Lawyers for Pedestrians Injured in Denver, CO

As a pedestrian, it is always important to look out for your own safety. Unfortunately, in many circumstances, negligent drivers will create situations where avoiding a collision is simply impossible. If you were injured in a pedestrian accident in Denver and would like to speak with an attorney about seeking financial compensation, please call  303-333-8000 or contact us online for a free initial consultation.

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