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Distracted Driving Deaths Increase, Group Calls for New Laws on Texting Behind Wheel

A steady rise in fatal crashes involving distracted drivers has prompted an influential advocacy group to push states to enhance laws banning the use of phones and other devices while behind the wheel.

More than 3,100 people died in accidents involving distracted drivers in 2019, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association. That is a 10 percent jump from the previous year, the nonprofit group says.

“When a person reads a text while driving, his or her eyes are off the road for an average of five seconds,” the GHSA said in a statement announcing a new report on distracted driving. “At 55 miles per hour, that is like driving the length of a football field while blindfolded.”

The group says states can take action to stop the distracted driving surge by strengthening the patchwork of laws currently on the books across the country. 

“Every state currently has restrictions in place to address distracted driving but the laws vary in scope and rigor, the GHSA said.

The group said the strongest laws have a few things in common, including clear language that specifically defines when wireless devices can and cannot be used and fines and penalties similar to other traffic infractions. Those elements should be combined with high visibility enforcement and public education, as well as various efforts to build a coalition in support of clamping down on distracted driving, they said.

Injured in an Accident With a Distracted Driver? We Can Help

As the data cited above show, distracted driving poses a serious threat to everyone on the road. 

Anyone who is injured in a car accident in Colorado, whether it is caused by a distracted driver or other factors, has the right to seek compensation from those responsible for the collision. An experienced Denver car accident attorney can help you seek compensation for medical bills, property damages, missed wages, and other financial implications of your injuries.

To get that compensation, you generally have to be able to prove negligence. 

A driver who becomes distracted behind the wheel – whether the person is texting or fiddling with the radio controls – is likely to be considered negligent and responsible for any accidents that happen as a result. A seasoned lawyer can help you show that the driver was distracted, prove that the distraction caused the crash, and detail the injuries stemming from the accident.

Speak with a Denver Car Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car crash in Colorado, a Denver car accident lawyer at Levine Law can help.

Our attorneys combine decades of experience helping people injured in accidents get the money they deserve. We have dedicated our careers to guiding clients through the legal process with experience and personalized attention.

Our firm is pleased to serve clients throughout Colorado, including in Denver, Colorado Springs, Ft. Collins, and Loveland. Call us at 303-333-8000 or contact us online to speak with a Denver car accident lawyer.

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