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Drowsy Driving: Data Shows 1 in 10 Accidents Are Caused By Drowsy Drivers

Drowsy driving is unquestionably dangerous, but just how dangerous is it to get behind the wheel when fatigued? Accident data reveals that drowsy driving has become a leading cause of motor vehicle accidents and a major contributing factor to motor vehicle death rates.

If you or someone you love was injured or killed in a car accident that occurred because a driver was too tired to be safe behind the wheel, you have rights. An overtired motorist who causes harm should be held accountable and a Colorado Springs car accident lawyer can provide the assistance necessary to pursue a claim for compensation for losses.

You should contact an attorney as soon as possible following the death of a loved one or if you get hurt so you can gather the necessary evidence to prove a fatigued motorist was the cause of the harm you’ve experienced.

Drowsy Driving Causes a Significant Number of Automobile Accidents

According to CNBC, drowsy driving could be the cause of approximately one out of every 10 motor vehicle accidents that occur on U.S. roads. This troubling statistic comes from a new study conducted by AAA. 

AAA tracked the driving behavior of 3,500 people for a period of several months by using specialized equipment including dashboard cameras. Based on the results of the AAA study, it appears that the percentage of motor vehicle accidents that occur as a direct result of fatigued driving may be much higher than experts previously believed it to be.

AAA observed the 3,500 study participants over a multi-year period from October of 2010 to December of 2013. AAA found that the 3,500 drivers participating in the research became involved in more than 700 motor vehicle accidents. In approximately 9.5 percent of the accidents that the drivers became involved in, fatigue played a role in causing the accident.

Many, but not all, of the accidents involving these drivers were serious collisions. In around 10 percent of the recorded accidents, there was property damage, injury to those involved in the crash, or the deployment of an air bag which could be an indicator of a serious incident.

If this statistic holds true within the broader population, which there is no reason to suspect it will not, then this means that the percentage of automobile accidents resulting from drowsy driving is much higher than the federal government has estimated. Government estimates currently suggest that fatigued driving is the cause of around one percent to two percent of all vehicle crashes; however, this is likely a big underestimate because it can often be difficult to tell exactly when a crash was caused by drowsy driving.

It makes sense that so many people would be involved in drowsy driving accidents given the ample evidence that Americans are not getting enough sleep. Unfortunately, if drivers do make the dangerous choice to drive while fatigued, they could end up hurting or killing themselves or others just because they couldn’t find enough way to get enough sleep before heading out on their journey.

A Colorado Springs car accident lawyer can provide help to those who wish to pursue claims against fatigued drivers for causing them harm, so give us a call today to find out how our compassionate and knowledgeable legal team can help you.

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