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Going Back to Work After an Auto Accident: Good or Bad Idea?

Those who have sustained injuries from an automobile accident likely have several things running through their minds as they continue to recuperate. Who is going to pay my hospital bills? When will I be able to return to work? If I return to work, will that harm my personal injury case? A knowledgeable Denver injury lawyer can answer these questions and more. The following information is provided to give injured victims a few things to consider as they look forward to getting back to 100 percent again.

Will Going Back to Work Affect Your Lawsuit or Personal Injury Claim?

Some accident victims may have serious concerns about how returning to their job will affect the outcome of their lawsuit or claim. While we will leave the medical advice to the medical professionals, what we can say is that if a physician releases you to return to work, you should do so.

You should be aware that injured individuals who are unable to work for a certain length of time due to accident-related injuries are still entitled to make a claim for lost income that occurred while out. Such losses are typically included in the damages an individual can request in a lawsuit or claim. That said, just because you were deemed well enough to return to work does not negate the fact that you were hurt. Along those same lines, returning to work does not mean you are completely healed, so do not allow your recovery to be hindered because you’ve been told you can go back to work.

Stay Focused on Your Recovery

Sometimes injured parties want to know if working will keep them from fully recovering from the injuries sustained. Again, that is a question best answered by your healthcare professional, as he or she would have better insight into your physical condition and ability to continue to heal properly.

That said, we do not want you to be hesitant to go back to work because you feel it will harm your case or claim. Going back to work can help you return to a normal routine as you wait for a resolution to your claim or case. As always, you are encouraged to follow your doctor’s orders and be sure to have all your questions and concerns addressed.

Things That Can Hurt Your Case

There are things that some injured individuals do that can actually harm their case. For example, lying about what happened and lying about your injuries or the extent of those injuries can do irreparable harm to your claim or case. Sure, this seems like an obvious statement; still, there are some individuals who will be less than honest when explaining the specifics of their accident.

Something else that can be harmful to a case or claim is social media. While social media sites can be helpful in certain instances, they can also be an accident victim’s downfall. That said, you are strongly encouraged to watch what you post, particularly after you’ve been involved in an accident. Attorneys and insurers now look at social media to search for bits of information that might help their case against you and harm your claim.

Lastly, failing to properly treat all of your injuries can damage your claim or case. Accident victims are always encouraged to seek medical attention right away after an accident – even if they “feel fine.” Failure to treat all accident-related injuries might not only be unhealthy, but it could also prove to be risky.

If you have been hurt in an accident and have concerns about returning to work or questions about how your case will be handled, do not hesitate to contact Levine Law for a free consultation.

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