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How Does Denver Stack Up to Other Colorado Counties in Terms of Auto Accidents?

Denver is Colorado’s largest county by population, and the most-recent statistics from the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) suggest that Denver also sees more auto accidents on an annual basis than any other county in the state. While this dubious distinction can be contributed in large part to the number of drivers on Denver’s roads, the data suggest that certain other factors may be to blame as well.

By the Numbers: Denver Auto Accidents Compared to Other Counties

According to CDOT, there were a total of 22,140 auto accidents in Denver in 2015 (the most-recent year for which data are available). This is the highest number of any county in Colorado. While this statistic is not necessarily surprising given Denver’s population, what is surprising is the number by which Denver’s accident total exceeds the totals in other counties.

Take Adams County and Arapahoe County, for example. Each of these counties have populations close to Denver’s; however, their accident totals in 2015 were 12,413 and 13,572, respectively. All other factors being equal, based on population alone these numbers should be much higher (or Denver’s should be much lower).

Why Does Denver Have So Many Auto Accidents?

From rush hour congestion to distracted driving during work hours, there are a number of factors that may be responsible for Denver’s disproportionate number of vehicle collisions. However, CDOT’s data point to one factor in particular: driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI). Once again taking population figures into consideration, Denver has had a disproportionately high number of DUI-related accidents each of the past several years. According to CDOT and the most-recent census data:

  • Denver County’s population is 693,060, and it averaged well over 500 DUI-related auto accidents from 2013 through 2015.
  • Adams County’s population is 682,545, and it has averaged slightly over 300 DUI-related auto accidents per year.
  • Arapahoe County’s population is 631,096, and it has averaged less than 400 DUI-related auto accidents per year.

As a Denver resident or someone who commutes to downtown Denver on a daily basis, what can you do to reduce your risk of being injured in a collision? Unfortunately, if someone else is drunk or distracted behind the wheel, there may ultimately be little you can do to protect yourself against being injured. However, there are factors you can control, and driving safely will not only mitigate your risk of injury, but it will also help ensure that you are entitled to a full financial recovery if you are seriously injured in a collision. Our Denver auto accident lawyers recommend:

  • Always buckle up. Studies have shown that wearing a seatbelt significantly reduces your chances of being injured in an accident.
  • Keep a safe buffer. Don’t tailgate. If someone cuts you off, try to re-establish at least a two-second buffer so that you have time to brake or swerve.
  • Take legal action if you get injured. By holding negligent drivers accountable, you can help make sure that they will drive more safely next time they hit the road.

Levine Law | Auto Accident Lawyers in Denver, CO

Levine Law is a Denver personal injury law firm that has represented thousands of auto accident victims in claims for financial compensation. If you have injured and would like to speak with an attorney, please call 303-333-8000 or request a free consultation online today.

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