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Make Sure Denver’s Autumn Attractions Don’t Lead to a Dangerous Fall

Pumpkin patches, hayrides, and corn mazes don’t commonly evoke safety concerns in most people in Denver. We picture a golden afternoon of innocent fun as the sun slowly sinks toward the horizon.

If you’re not careful, however, that autumn afternoon could end up with a trip to the emergency room or a ride in an ambulance rather than a hay-strewn wagon. These unexpected autumn injuries happen far too often each year in the Denver area. Following certain safety precautions can help keep you and your family safe this fall as you enjoy the wide variety of activities our area has to offer.

Staying Safe in the Pumpkin Patch

While picking pumpkins in the patch sounds like harmless fun, you need to be aware of many potential dangers. Some hazards are inherent in the farm atmosphere, but others are caused by poor decisions on the part of farm owners or event managers.

To protect your safety, be sure to:

  • Keep your eye out for tripping hazards. Natural objects like pumpkin vines and clumps of dirt can easily send you sprawling if you’re not careful. But you also need to be aware of dangerous tripping obstacles left by careless employees such as hoses and tools that can lead to a fall with serious injuries.
  • Watch for moving vehicles in parking lots. Makeshift parking areas may be organized haphazardly, allowing traffic to come from unpredictable directions. Hold tight to childrenCar accidents and pedestrian accidents in parking areas happen more often than expected.
  • Dress for the mess. Wear closed-toed shoes with good traction in case of slippery surfaces. Long pants and shirts with long sleeves can protect you from scratches.
  • Take care cutting pumpkin vines. If you or your child wants to take home a pumpkin that’s still attached to the vine, the ordeal of disconnecting the prize could be more than you bargained for. If the pumpkin farm provides cutting implements, make sure they are sharp enough to cut without slipping, and never let young children handle cutting tools.

The most important tip is to keep aware of your surroundings at all times.

Watch Your Way in Mazes

Many farms offer a variety of mazes for family entertainment. Paths may be cut through corn fields or built out of straw. The Krazy Rainbow Maze at Anderson Farms in Erie is made from plywood panels. At some sites, mazes are even constructed out of pallets.

These attractions are designed to fool the eye and confuse guests in a variety of ways. In addition to the natural hazards such as uneven ground, you need to be aware of dangerous conditions caused by the creation of the maze structure. Pallets, for instance, may have sharp nails protruding from various surfaces. A poorly constructed or badly-maintained maze could fall apart and hit guests with debris.

Hang on When You’re on a Hayride

Hayrides are some of the most popular fall attractions in the Denver area. Children love to ride on an open wagon pulled by a tractor. It’s a very different sensation than sitting buckled in a car seat in the back of an enclosed family car. But the freedom and lack of restraint can easily lead to injuries, so make sure children remain seated at all times.

The slow motion of a hay wagon can encourage older children and teens to stand, move around, and even jump off the wagon. Some locations urge participants to engage in hay fights. The uneven surface and unexpected motions can cause someone to fall and suffer serious injuries. When enjoying a hayride at places like Long Neck Pumpkin Farm in Colorado Springs or the Colorado Pumpkin Patch in Monument, take precautions to keep your family safe.

Prepare for the Petting Zoo

Children love the chance to get close to animals they often only see in books or on TV. Those animals, however, are not trained as pets. They can bite or kick. Before getting close to any animal, make sure event organizers allow close contact and ask for advice about how to approach.

After petting or touching any animal, wash your hands. Since most farms do not have public restrooms with running water, it is a good idea to bring hand sanitizer with you.

Beware of Things that Go Bump in the Night

Lack of visibility can make any activity more perilous. With fall fun pastimes, the fading light in the late afternoon can make it hard to detect tripping hazards or other potential problems. Many activities are scheduled for after-dark hours, and these can pose serious dangers.

If you’re running to escape a costumed character in the daylight, you would notice a post with nails or other sharp objects sticking out of it. In the dark, however, you could impale yourself in an instant. Attractions like Scream Acres at Fritzler Farm Park in LaSalle involve costumed characters jumping out of a cornfield to surprise visitors, so it is important to be aware of the surroundings as much as possible.

The Denver region is playing host to some creative and exciting after-dark events this year. Take extra precautions and a flashlight in case you need it to detect hazards or find safe footing.

Keep Safe During Other Fall Fair Fun

The farms and other sites offering fall festivities also feature a variety of traditional fair attractions. These include everything from slides and tractor rides to laser tag and beer gardens. Fireworks, fun houses, line dancing, and even axe throwing are also available.

When you’re taking part in these activities, remember that the venues offering them are not usually in the business of providing this type of entertainment. Their employees might not be trained in proper safety techniques when setting up or operating the activity. You need to be on high alert to keep yourself safe from injury.

When Fall Fun Turns Foul, an Attorney Can Protect Your Rights and Get You Back on Track

Sites that offer fall fun activities like hayrides and mazes see a burst in popularity and the potential to make serious revenue. Unfortunately, the added income sometimes comes at the expense of injured visitors.

When the negligence of a site owner or manager causes injuries, their insurance companies should be required to compensate victims for the effects they suffer. If you or a loved one are injured at a fall event or any event on the property of another, contact the experienced team at Levine Law for a free consultation and case evaluation. We can protect your rights and explain your options for recovery. We serve clients throughout the Denver region with locations in Colorado SpringsFort Collins, Loveland, and downtown Denver.

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