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Motorcycle Accidents Spike in Colorado

Recently, Colorado motorcycle accidents have claimed the lives of several bikers and caused injury to several more. The series of deadly crashes includes two separate Colorado Springs accidents that claimed lives at the end of July. 

While these two accidents occurred on opposite sides of Colorado Springs, both involved a motorcyclist colliding with a motor vehicle. In one of them, police suspected that speeding and alcohol use by the driver of the motor vehicle played a significant role in the accident. In the other, the motorcyclist died after colliding with a dump truck, which may have pulled out in front of him. Police are still investigating both crashes.

What causes motorcycle accidents, and what are the best ways to avoid injury? Every Denver motorcycle crash lawyer can list numerous ways in which a client or a client’s family member was killed or injured while on a bike. Some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents in Colorado include:

  • Distracted, drowsy, or drunk drivers. Motorcycles are smaller than cars, making them harder to see on the road. When motor vehicle drivers stay alert, they will usually see motorcyclists on the roads and at intersections. When these drivers are distracted, sleepy, or inebriated, however, their ability to spot motorcycles is impaired – and serious injury or death can result.
  • Intersections. Intersections are the most common spot on the road for accidents to occur, and motorcycle crashes are no exception. Intersections are particularly dangerous for motorcycles because the ability of other drivers to see a biker in time to avoid a crash is decreased when traffic is stopped at an intersection or cars are turning the corner at an intersection. Intersections are a prime place for head-on, side-impact, or rear-end crashes involving motorcycles.
  • Motorcycle defects. Most bikers look over their motorcycles for obvious wear or damage before they hit the road. When a defect is hidden in the design or materials used for some part of the bike, however, even a motorcyclist who knows the bike well may not recognize the risk until a broken part causes a crash.
  • Roadway defects. Cracked pavement, potholes, inadequate signals at intersections, inadequate signs or warnings on sharp curves, poorly-maintained railroad crossings: all these hazards pose greater dangers to motorcyclists than to drivers of passenger vehicles. Motorcycles are less stable than cars, so the risk of crashing due to defective or damaged road conditions can be significant. When the weather is bad or visibility is poor the risk increases.
  • Lane-splitting. When motorcyclists attempt to share a lane side-by-side with a passenger vehicle, the risk of an accident increases. The close space between the car and the motorcycle increases the risk of collision and decreases the space the motorcycle has to maneuver, especially in a sudden emergency. Drivers of cars also don’t expect lane-splitting, and they may swerve or make another sudden move that endangers a motorcyclist. Even in stopped or slow-moving traffic, lane-splitting poses a serious risk to bikers.

Contact a Denver Motorcycle Crash Lawyer Today 

At Levine Law, our Denver motorcycle crash lawyers can help you figure out what caused a motorcycle crash and seek compensation from anyone whose negligence may have caused harm. Contact us today to learn more.

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