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Motorists and Bicyclists Can Share the Road

Whether you are a driver or a bike rider, road safety has probably crossed your mind at some point. With more and more people taking their bikes out—either to get to work or just for fun—it’s more important than ever to remember that you are not the only person on the road.

Unfortunately, American roadways were not initially built with bicycle riders in mind. So, currently, drivers and riders must exercise their own experienced judgment in order to navigate twists, turns and narrow lanes, all while keeping themselves and those around them out of harm’s way.

Although it may seem like a challenge to share the road with your neighbors, we are confident that it can be done. As a Denver accident law firm, we see countless cases of accidents that have occurred all because of a few simple driver and rider errors. That’s why we’re here to offer some suggestions on how everyone can share the road and stay safe.

Stay Alert, Especially at Night

This reminder goes out to everyone on the road. If you drive a car, be aware of the fact that bike riders may also be in your lane at night. Look before you switch lanes or make a turn, keeping in mind that, even with reflective gear, bike riders may be more difficult to see after dark.

Bike riders should remember to wear reflective gear and make sure to equip their bikes with flashing lights. Making yourself as visible as possible is the name of the game. So, it’s always worth it to make the extra effort.

Be Mindful of Wet Conditions

Drivers may not think that wet roads will pose a huge problem, but it is certainly something to be aware of. Your car may be more likely to lose traction or be less responsive to you if the roadways are slick.

The first few minutes after it begins to rain can be some of the most dangerous for bicycle riders. The oil residue from cars makes for slippery conditions as it is washed away. Bike riders may want to wait or, if waiting is not possible, proceed with caution, knowing that braking may be more difficult during this time.

Pass With Caution

When sharing the space on narrower back roads, drivers may decide that it’s time to pass a bike in their lane. If you choose to do this, pass with care. Make sure that there is no oncoming traffic. And, as you pass the bike, be sure to give enough space—typically four feet—so that you and the rider feel comfortable.

If, as a bike rider, you decide to pass a car, exercise the same amount of caution. The most important thing is to ensure that you will not be placing yourself in danger by going around the vehicle in front of you.

Let Us Help You

Regardless of whether you’re driving a car or riding a bike, you owe it to yourself, and those around you, to exercise caution at all times. By being aware of your surroundings, you can avoid a possible collision.

But, if you do find yourself involved in an accident, rest assured that Levine Law is here to help. Simply contact us. We’ll set up an initial consultation and listen to your concerns, so we can help you move forward.

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