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New to Skiing? Tips to Avoid Injury

Millions of people visit Colorado’s ski slopes each year. And while most enjoy the sport unscathed, many will incur some kind of ski-related injury and over a dozen will be die in a skiing accident.

If you are new to skiing, you might want to heed some advice on how to avoid injury compiled by the experienced ski accident attorneys at our Colorado Springs injury law firm. 

Avoiding Personal Injury While Skiing

Get In Shape

Experts agree that the more fit you are, the less likely the chance you will suffer certain ski-related injuries. Plus, it’s much more fun to ski when you can let loose without worrying about losing steam halfway down the run.

Dress Appropriately For The Weather

There is a saying in the cold-climate world: cotton kills. Avoid wearing fabrics that can trap moisture and cause frostbite. Layer cold-weather friendly clothes and be sure to wear gloves.

Use Good Equipment

The right equipment cannot only make all the difference in how much you enjoy your ski adventure, it can help you avoid injury. Make sure ski boots fit properly and that bindings are adjusted to fit.

Take Lessons

If you are a novice skier, consider taking lessons. You will not only enjoy your trip more, but you will learn how to avoid injuries. Even experienced skiers should consider taking a lesson or two to refresh their skills.

Rest When Needed

A large number of injuries happen due to skier fatigue. There is no reason to push yourself beyond your own personal limits. When you are tired, take a break.

Stay Hydrated

Be sure to replenish fluids when you are out on the slopes. Staying hydrated helps you with physical and mental performance and will keep you from becoming dizzy or disoriented.

Remember the Buddy System

Not only is it more fun to ski with a friend, it is also safer. Make a plan to keep in communication with your designated ski buddy.

Know Your Limits and Stick to Your Level

Stick to trails that are within your experience and skill level. Accidents are much more likely when people attempt to ski on a trail that is clearly above their capabilities. People who do this put themselves and others in danger.

Stay On Trail

Do not go off trail and heed all warning signs and closure notices. When people fail to follow the rules, accidents happen.

Wear a Helmet and Goggles

The National Ski Patrol and the Professional Ski Instructors of America recommend that all skiers wear helmets. Head injuries while skiing can be life altering and even life threatening. The simple act of wearing a properly fitting certified helmet could prevent a severe personal injury. Think about getting prescription goggles if you need them and be sure the goggles fit around your helmet properly.

When To Contact a Colorado Springs Personal Injury Law Firm

If you do find yourself injured on the slopes, you may want to seek out the assistance of a Colorado Springs personal injury law firm. The attorneys at Levine Law can discuss your options for you. For a free consultation, call 719-471-3000 or contact us online.

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