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Pedestrian, Cyclist Deaths Raise Concerns About the Safety of CO Roads

In Colorado Springs, the roads are a dangerous place for pedestrians and bicycle riders. In fact, KKTV recently published a report indicating that experts have expressed grave concerns about the risks that Colorado Springs’ roadways present to walkers and to individuals who are riding bicycles. Bikers and pedestrians account for a huge number of the fatalities in motor vehicle accidents that have occurred in Colorado Springs, and conditions on the roads may be a contributing factor.

When a pedestrian or a bicycle rider is killed, it is important to understand what the cause of the collision was and who was to blame. A Colorado Springs car accident attorney can  provide help to victims and to their loved ones in taking legal action after a collision that causes serious injury or results in the death of a walker or bicyclist.

Are Colorado’s Roads Unsafe for Pedestrians and Bicyclists?

According to KKTV, there were 39 traffic fatalities in Colorado Springs over the course of the year. This was a new record. Previously, the highest number of fatalities over the course of the year was 35 people killed in motor vehicle collisions. The 35 fatalities occurred in 2013.  There were also a total of 630 fatalities throughout the entire state of Colorado in 2017, which is the highest number of motor vehicle accident deaths since 2004.

Out of the 39 people who were killed in Colorado Springs over the course of the year, more than a quarter were either bicycle riders or were pedestrians.  A total of 20 of the people who died in auto accidents were in vehicles; six were on motorcycles, 10 were walking; and three were riding bikes. 

This is not the highest number of pedestrians ever killed. There were 13 pedestrians who lost their lives in 2012. However, it is a big increase from recent years when there were three pedestrians killed in 2013, two in 2014, eight in 2015, and seven in 2016. However, it is concerning to police and safety efforts that the overall record for car accident fatalities was broken in Colorado Springs and that so many of the victims were on foot or on their bikes at the time.

A local police sergeant spoke to KKTV about the dangers that bicyclists and walkers face on Colorado Springs roads. The police sergeant explained that people who are walking and biking are especially vulnerable and could easily fall victim to a fatal accident caused by a driver because they have essentially no protection from impact at all. “Even if they have the right of way, if they’re hit by a car, they’re going to lose,” the sergeant said.

Unfortunately, far too many people fail to pay attention to walkers or bicycle riders. Many drivers speed,  and they engage in unsafe behaviors such as driving while distracted.  If a driver engages in unsafe behavior and causes a collision, those who are affected should contact a Colorado Springs car accident attorney to get help pursuing a claim for compensation for personal injury or wrongful death that the accident caused to occur.

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