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Play It Safe This Summer

In the summer, kids are constantly on the go, playing baseball and other club sports, taking swimming lessons and attending camp. Warm sunny days are great for being outdoors, but parents and kids should remember that outdoor activities come with a risk for injury, and everyone should take steps to lessen those dangers.

How Do You Get a Concussion?
A concussion is a brain injury in which a person suffers from head trauma and experiences a brief loss of normal brain functions. Usually, concussions are the result of a blow to the head. For example, a girl on a rope swing could fall off and hit her head on the ground, or a boy playing on a club baseball league could be hit in the head with a fly ball. Both injuries are serious in and of themselves, but even more serious is the risk of concussion.

Both children can be treated for their immediate injuries, such as bruises, swelling and even cuts or scrapes. But a concussion may not present itself until later, and, if left untreated, could cause permanent damage. While a solitary concussion most likely will not result in permanent trauma, the recovery period is very important. Anyone who has suffered a concussion should rest and take it easy for a few days to let the brain heal.

What Does a Concussion Look Like?
In order to properly diagnose and treat a concussion, be sure to visit your doctor if your child suffers a head injury of any kind this summer — even if it seems mild or insignificant. Symptoms of a concussion may take a while to appear — sometimes days or even weeks after the initial injury.

People with concussions often cannot remember what they were doing immediately before or after their injuries. If a paramedic or doctor treats a person who has suffered a head injury, he or she may ask a few basic questions, such as what day it is, as well as the person’s name.

The symptoms of a concussion in an adult are fairly straightforward — nausea, dizziness, blurry vision; loss of sense, coordination, taste or smell and more. However, a child may not be able to articulate the symptoms quite as well. That being the case, parents should be on the lookout for the following:

  • Unusual fatigue or listlessness
  • Incessant crying
  • Changes in sleep habits
  • Refusing to nurse or eat
  • Fluctuations in abilities and school performance
  • Lack of interest in toys, activities, and play
  • Lack of balance and coordination
  • Nausea and vomiting

Protect Your Children
Some head injuries are unavoidable, but parents can take steps to keep their children safe at camp and while playing on summer sports teams. Encourage your children to wear helmets when they are biking or playing contact sports, and teach them the importance of following safety rules at camp and during other summer activities like swimming and hiking. A few simple measures to protect a child’s head can guard against concussions and other injuries.

At Levine Law, our Denver personal injury lawyers represent anyone who has been injured in an accident. For more information about injuries and personal injury suits, contact our firm today.

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