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Rollover Accident Kills 2, Injures 1

When getting behind the wheel, you are granted many freedoms, but also many responsibilities. As the driver of a vehicle that likely weighs a few tons, it is important to remember and respect the fact that your actions can have an impact on not just you, but everyone around you — both in your car and on the road.

As a result, it’s important to be mindful of your actions at the steering wheel. As a Denver accident attorney, we see many cases of collisions caused by drivers who underestimated the power and speed at which they could move, often with deadly results.

recent story out of Aurora sheds light on one such situation.

Late on November 25th, a Chevy Tahoe rolled over twice on East 26th Avenue near North Picadilly. According to reports, the driver went partially off of the north side of the roadway, then over-corrected as he brought the Tahoe back onto the road, inciting the rollover.

There were three passengers inside of the car: an adult male and two minors. All three were removed from the vehicle. However, the adult male and one minor were later pronounced dead at the hospital.

Currently, The Aurora Police Department Traffic Unit is investigating the cause of the accident. At this time, alcohol and speed do not appear to have caused the deadly crash.

Our thoughts and condolences go out to the families of those impacted by this terrible event.

Always Remain Alert Behind the Wheel

In the wake of this rollover, we cannot help but to wonder what led to the crash? If speed and alcohol were not factors, was distracted driving to blame? Distracted driving is the leading cause of fatal accidents in the U.S., surpassing alcohol and other seemingly more dangerous causes of collisions.

The unfortunate reality is that distracted driving is entirely preventable. So, we hope that distracted driving does not turn out to be the cause of these two deaths.

Although we do not know what may have led to the rollover, we can advise all drivers to be safe and alert whenever they get behind the wheel. Laws exist in order to keep you safe. So, be mindful of the speed limit and how much alcohol you have consumed. However, you should also aim to limit potential distractions within your vehicle so that you can keep your focus on the road.

That said, accidents are going to happen. Even the best drivers make mistakes or fall victim to the mistakes of others. When this occurs, you can rest assured that we are here to help.

So don’t try to navigate your legal situation on your own. If you have any questions, you can always contact us. The team at Levine Law is ready to listen to your story and help you determine how best to move forward.

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