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Skiing in Colorado? Read the Fine Print on Your Lift Ticket

A recent court ruling could have a big impact on Colorado skiers and ski resorts in the unfortunate event that someone is injured in a skiing accident.

The Colorado Court of Appeals ruled in January that a ski resort was not legally liable for injuries that a skier sustained when she was struck by a chairlift, the Colorado Sun reports. The court said the owners of the Loveland ski area were shielded by a waiver releasing the owner from “any and all liability” in small print on the back of the woman’s ski pass and a similar waiver that she signed when she bought a pair of ski boots a year earlier.

“We conclude that the two exculpatory agreements are clear: The purchaser of the boots and the holder of the ticket are “to assume all risks of skiing, whether inherent to skiing or not,” the appeals court concluded in a split decision.

The court said the waivers override any responsibilities that the company has under the state’s Ski Safety Act, which generally makes ski resort operators liable for injuries that are not related to the inherent dangers of hitting the slopes. That law has previously been cited to make operators responsible for chairlift accidents.

The injured woman, Charlotte Redden, was struck by a chairlift in 2017. A skier fell in front of her shortly before the accident and Redden was “navigating around” the person when she was struck, the Colorado Sun said.

The Sun points out that a federal court in 2018 similarly found that a Vail Resort was shielded from liability for a chairlift accident, thanks to a lift pass waiver.

Legal Rights for People Hurt in Accidents in Denver

The Loveland case is a strong reminder of how important it is for people injured in accidents to understand their rights and options, whether it is a ski lift mishap, a car accident, or an incident of medical malpractice.

Generally, anyone injured in an accident has the right to seek compensation from those responsible. The legal requirements for proving responsibility may vary, however, based on the type of accident. Our Denver accident lawyer will get all the information needed to be able to put forth a thorough case on your behalf so you can obtain all the compensation to which you’re entitled for your injuries.

There are also often strict deadlines for pursuing legal action after an accident. That is why it is critical to seek the advice of a seasoned lawyer.  

Contact a Denver Accident Lawyer Right Away 

At Levine Law, our personal injury lawyers help people injured in a wide variety of accidents get the money they deserve. Our firm has a strong track record of securing optimal results for the people we represent, both in the courtroom or through a negotiated settlement.

We understand the pain and stress that comes with losing a loved one. A Denver accident lawyer at our firm will guide you through the legal process with experience and personalized attention. 

Our lawyers are pleased to serve clients throughout Colorado, including in Denver, Colorado Springs, Ft. Collins and Loveland. Call us at 303-333-8000 or contact us online to speak with a Denver accident lawyer.

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