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Teen Driving: Are Your Kids Safe?

Learning to drive is an exciting experience. As a teenager, it may be the first right of passage that one passes through on the road to adulthood. The chance to get behind the wheel and go as far as your gas tank will allow is at once liberating and overwhelming. Suddenly, the whole world has stretched out before you.

With so much excitement and anticipation around learning to drive, it’s easy to see how teens might be more at-risk for driving accidents than other groups. After all, unrefined skills paired with a little too much enthusiasm for newfound freedom does not always have the best results.

Teen drivers can be some of the most dangerous groups on the road. A recent story reminds us of the importance of making sure your kids know just how much responsibility they take on, every time they set out on a drive.

Tragedy in Arapahoe County

On October 2nd, five teenagers died in a rollover crash in Arapahoe County. The victims were between the ages of 15 and 19, and, according to reports, may have been out thrill-seeking at the time of the crash.  

A legend exists that a location called Third Bridge is haunted by a deadly accident that happened there twenty years ago. Because they were curious, the group of teens decided to discover the spooky location for themselves.

Unfortunately, the driver of the car was speeding at the time and lost control of the vehicle, which led to the rollover. According to police, the victims were so badly burned, they were no longer recognizable.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of all those involved in this tragedy.  

In the wake of this terrible incident, we are reminded of just how important it is to talk with your kids before they get behind the wheel. Although the driver’s education classes give them a foundation for going out on the road, that is often not enough.

Driving Is A Huge Responsibility

We recommend having a serious talk with your children about the importance of road safety. This might include discussing speed limits, drinking and driving, distracted driving, and any other issues you feel may be beneficial to bring up.

After all, no one should have to bear the burden of losing a child, especially to a highly preventable collision. As a Denver accident attorney, we see many cases that could have been avoided if those involved had made a few decisions that were just a bit different.

However, if you or one of your family members has been involved in a collision, you can trust that we are here to help. Feel free to contact us. We’ll set up an initial consultation and listen to your case, so you can start putting your life back together.

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