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The 100 Deadliest Days of Summer are Approaching

Because of inexperience and lack of judgement, among other factors, teenage drivers tend to have a significantly greater risk of becoming involved in collisions than adult drivers. In fact, AA A reports that new drivers ages 16 and 17 are three times as likely as adult drivers to become involved in a deadly motor vehicle accident. And, unfortunately, these young motorists face an even greater risk during a certain time of year that has been dubbed the 100 deadliest days.

If a teen driver becomes involved in an accident, victims hurt in the crash should consult with a Colorado Springs injury law firm to get help pursuing a claim for compensation. This includes passengers who are being driven by the teenager driver when the crash happens, as well as other motorists on the road.

Teens Face Greater Collision Risk During the 100 Deadliest Days

According to AAA, the 100 deadliest days for teen drivers include the period of time that runs from Memorial Day each year to Labor Day each year. During this 100 day period of time, the risk of a deadly collision involving a teen driver goes up 15 percent compared with the remainder of the year. 

This means a significant number of fatalities occur during this time period. In fact, during the past five years, there have been more than 1,600 fatalities in accidents involving inexperienced teen drivers during the 100 deadliest days of summer.

AAA Foundation has identified a number of primary reasons why there are so many collisions involving teen drivers, especially during the 100 deadliest days. The primary reasons for these collisions include:

  • Driver distraction: Approximately six out of 10 ten collisions involve a distracted teen driver. This is four times as many as official police reports show, because many collisions aren’t properly characterized as being caused by a distracted driver. For teens, distractions could include not just cell phones but also talking with other young passengers in the car.
  • Not wearing seat belts: Studies show around 60 percent of teen drivers who are killed in motor vehicle collisions are not buckled up at the time the accident occurred.
  • Driving too fast: Around 30 percent of fatal motor vehicle collisions involving teen drivers occur because young drivers travel too fast to be safe. Speeding is one of the top three mistakes that young people make when they first learn to drive, according to AAA.

The 100 deadliest days see higher rates of collisions because many young people are off from school. They may have less supervision from working parents, may travel different routes with friends as they enjoy summer activities, and may spend time with multiple friends in the car, which can increase the chance of a crash occurring.

Unfortunately, when teens make dangerous choices during the summer months and cause collisions, the consequences for innocent victims can be dire. A Colorado Springs injury injury law firm can provide you with help taking action to obtain compensation for losses if you or a loved one was hurt in a crash involving a teen driver.

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