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The Upside of Self-Driving Vehicles

In recent months, we have heard a great deal about self-driving or “autonomous” automobiles and related safety concerns. But what about the good aspects of such vehicles? In a recent article, Mr. Levine noted that automobile accidents could ultimately be eliminated as more and more driverless vehicles hit the road. Of course, Jordan Levine and other Denver accident lawyers welcome and applaud all efforts taken to ensure everyone’s safety on the road.

A number of cities and states throughout the country are already testing self-driving automobiles and lawmakers are making plans to create laws that will govern those vehicles. Car manufacturers are anxiously awaiting the ability to sell the automobiles on a larger scale in the general marketplace. Much has been said about the vehicles in the media — some good, some not so good. But are there any advantages to self-driving automobiles?

The Advantages of Autonomous Vehicles

Those in favor of self-driving automobiles have noted several advantages. For example, many people believe that self-driving vehicles will lead to an elimination of “driving under the influence,” as the vehicle will be the “designated driver” if an individual is high or has had too much to drink. Along those same lines, the concern with driver fatigue would be greatly lessened with autonomous vehicles.

Some individuals also believe that the vehicles will be particularly advantageous for disabled people and the elderly, as the automobiles will be able to provide those individuals with a sense of freedom that they may have previously felt was lost due to their disability or age.

Safer Driving in General

Autonomous vehicles could ultimately lead to safer highways and roads in the long run. Supporters suggest that eventually, self-driving automobiles will drive at safe speeds based on road conditions and they will also be able to follow traffic rules and laws by stopping at stop signs and lights as required.

Additionally, for those traveling with pets and children, having an autonomous vehicle might help alleviate the chance of distracted driving collisions, as distractions are typically increased with the presence of family pets and/or children in the vehicle.

Researchers have also found that autonomous cars will have the ability to leave the appropriate amount of room between it and the vehicle ahead, which will allow for the vehicle to have sufficient room to stop in case of an emergency. Eventually, when all vehicles become driverless, they will be able to “talk” to each other and leave enough room in the front and back to avoid chain-reaction collisions.

It is hard to imagine that we are at a point where self-driving vehicles are not just something someone concocted in his or her mind. They are very close to being a normal part of the driving experience.

If you or a loved one has been involved in an automobile collision, we are here to help you with your case. Contact the accident attorneys at Levine Law today to discuss your legal rights and options under the law.

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