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To Grandmother’s House We Go: Safety and Travel Tips for the Holiday Season

It’s the holiday season and many people across the country are hitting the road to travel to see friends and family and enjoy the season’s festivities with their loved ones. Each year, more than 200 million people spend part of their holiday vacation driving to the homes of family members or friends. Regardless of whether that trip is just a short drive down the road, or a long haul across state lines, we encourage drivers to remain safe and consider the following tips for avoiding accidents and injuries:

Prep your car. It’s not uncommon for travelers to make sure they are properly fueled with coffee and food, as necessary, before a long drive; so you are encouraged to make sure your car is just as ready as you are to get on the road. A quick tune-up can alert you to potential issues with your brakes or taillights and can help you avoid engine trouble once you’re on your way. If you plan to drive through inclement weather, stop and fill up your gas tank, as well as any spare gas cans you may have, so that you can keep the engine running. You may need to consider changing your tires too, so you can be sure they’ll be able to handle snow, ice and long distances.

Plan ahead. Holiday traffic is usually a nightmare, especially on the busiest travel days. Make sure you know where you’re going and what traffic you may encounter. Search ahead of time for rest stops, gas stations, food and other essential break points so you don’t get stranded on long stretches of highway or back roads. Know your terrain too — if you’re going to be traveling on a long, winding mountain road during a snowstorm, you may want to think about rescheduling.

Get an emergency kit ready. Winter is the time when drivers get stuck and stranded, sometimes for hours or days in awful weather. You can’t do anything to control Mother Nature, but you can keep some essentials in your car in case the worst happens. Pack a blanket, some water bottles and non-perishable snacks. Keep a flashlight, flares and a road safety kit in your trunk.

Be aware. You can only plan so far in advance to protect yourself during your holiday travel. Ultimately, your safety is in your own hands as much as it is in the hands of other drivers sharing the road with you. Take every precaution you can, including paying attention at all times when you’re behind the wheel. Don’t get distracted by your phone, radio, or even lively passengers (particularly if you’re traveling with children).

The holidays are a time for togetherness with family and friends, and often, that includes some travel time to make it happen. This year, keep your holiday about fun and family and avoid accidents or injuries that could have you spending your time in the hospital instead of at the dinner table.

At Levine Law, we represent anyone who has been injured in a car accident or at-home incident due to someone else’s negligence or carelessness. For more information regarding Colorado’s laws and personal injury cases, contact a Denver personal injury lawyer at our firm today.

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