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Understand the Long-Term Risks of Concussions from Vehicle Collision

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than two million people seek medical attention for concussions in the United States each year. While concussions can result from all types of accidents, a significant percentage results from vehicle collisions.

While the effects of concussions were not fully understood as recently as a decade ago, today the risks associated with these traumatic brain injuries are well-known. Many accident victims will experience lingering, and perhaps life-long effects, and this makes it particularly important for them to engage the services of an experienced Denver car accident lawyer.

Concussions Can Have Lingering, and Potentially Dangerous, Consequences

In an article titled, Concussions: How They Can Affect You Now and Later, University of Utah Health examines the potential short-term and long-term effects of concussions from traumatic accidents. The article lists potential side effects including:

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Personality changes
  • Light and noise sensitivity
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Depression

The article quotes a neurosurgeon and concussion specialist as stating, “At some level, concussions result in a brain injury, so we’re certainly worried about the accumulative [e]ffects . . . . We’re starting to learn that perhaps these seemingly minor blows to the head, when they’re accumulative, can lead to depression and behavior change.” It closes with the following recommendation:

“To reduce the risk of short-term problems associated with concussions from turning into long-term problems, see a doctor within one to two days of a head injury, even if you . . . do[] not require emergency treatment.”

Protecting Your Right to Just Compensation After a Concussion Diagnosis

Due to the potential for long-term effects, individuals who are diagnosed with concussions following auto accidents must take appropriate steps to protect their legal rights. Under Colorado law, accident victims are entitled to just compensation for the current and future financial and non-financial effects of their injuries; and, for individuals diagnosed with concussions and other forms of TBI, these effects can be substantial. If you suffered a concussion in an auto accident in which someone else was to blame, an experienced car accident lawyer may be able to help you recover just compensation for:

  • Current and future medical expenses (including treatment of post-concussion syndrome, depression, sleep disorders, and other medical conditions related to your concussion)
  • Loss of income and future earning capacity if the effects of your concussion prevent you from working
  • Prescription pain medications (including acetaminophen, which is typically recommended over NSAIDs for concussions)
  • Pain, suffering, and emotional trauma
  • Loss of society, companionship, and enjoyment of life

Speak With a Denver Car Accident Lawyer at Levine Law

In order to recover these losses (as well as any other damages to which you may be entitled), it is important that you speak with an attorney promptly. Our car accident lawyers represent victims of vehicle collisions and other serious accidents throughout the Denver area. To discuss your case in a free and confidential consultation, call us at 303-333-8000 or request an appointment online today.

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