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What Kinds of Crashes Are Most Common?

When you get behind the wheel, it’s important to know what you’re up against. We often discuss potential road dangers so that you can better prepare yourself for what is out there. But, it is sometimes more helpful to see numbers and lists.

So if you have been curious about the most common kinds of accidents in the state, then the Colorado State Patrol Department of Public Safety may have the information you’ve been looking for.

In a report that analyzes crashes from 2011—2014, the agency notes collision trends. The facts may surprise you.

Of the crashes investigated from 2011—2014, the most common cause of collisions was inattention to driving. While you may have thought DUI or even speeding would have been the major culprit, the truth is that distracted drivers are, in fact, the most dangerous.

Don’t worry, exceeding the legal speed and driving under the influence were second and third on the list, respectively. But, the fact that inattention to driving was the number one has caused us to pause. After all, how many of us are guilty of paying attention to something else, like a text message or a radio change, while we should be focusing on the road? We’d take a guess and say that most of us are guilty of distracted driving at some point.

Now, however, we can see that this behavior really does have an impact on our roadways.

But just because distracted driving is number one doesn’t mean that we should forget about the others. Speeding, driving under the influence, lane violations and failure to give the right of way are just as important to call attention to. After all, it is up to each of us to decrease the frequency of these behaviors, if at all possible. And the solutions can be fairly simple.

Road Safety Is In Your Hands

Find yourself speeding all the time? Give yourself extra time to travel. Tempted to drive under the influence? Use a ride-share service or a taxi instead. Disobeying traffic laws? Remember that you are not the only person on the road and that we all carry the responsibility to drive safely.

As Denver accident lawyers, we are well aware of the many ways in which people can put themselves and others in danger when they drive. The truth is that so many collisions could be avoided, if people only took the time to think carefully, take a deep breathe and share the road.

Increasing road safety is as simple as you want it to be. Ultimately, each driver must make his or her own decision on how to behave behind the wheel. But we hope that this data may encourage more mindful driving in the future.

That said, we also understand that accidents can happen when you least expect them. And when they do, we’re ready and willing to help you get your life back on track. So contact us today.

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