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Why Are Head Injuries So Common in Car Accidents?

Why Are Head Injuries So Common in Car Accidents?

Car accidents can cause all types of injuries to your body. However, one of the worst traumas in these incidents is a head injury. Hitting the side windows, windshield, or steering wheel of your vehicle during a crash can result in TBIs (traumatic brain injuries). You may even experience a TBI if your head does not hit anything. The force of the collision can result in your brain moving inside your skull, leading to this condition.  

Car accident-related TBIs result in 14% of all TBI cases in the U.S. Additionally, they are the leading cause of TBI-related fatalities among young adults and children. 

Because these injuries are so serious and have the potential to cause long-term issues and death, it is important to seek medical treatment immediately after an accident. If you have been involved in a car accident, you are also advised to speak with a Denver car accident lawyer. With their assistance, you can navigate the complex legal system and receive the compensation you deserve.

Here, you can learn why head injuries are common in car accidents. 

Impact With the Vehicle’s Interior

The force can propel passengers forward or sideways in a sudden stop or collision. This movement can cause their heads to strike various parts of the vehicle’s interior, leading to severe injuries.

The following factors contribute to these injuries:

  • Steering Wheel Contact: A direct hit with the steering wheel can lead to concussions or skull fractures.
  • Dashboard Impact: Hitting the dashboard can cause trauma and may result in long-term brain damage.
  • Window Collision: If a passenger’s head strikes a window, it can lead to cuts or more severe brain injuries.
  • Door Panel Hits: Sudden side impacts can cause the head to hit the door panel, increasing the risk of injury.

Understanding the potential impacts allows passengers to take preventive measures, such as always wearing seatbelts. These safety precautions can significantly reduce the risk of injury in car accidents.

The Whiplash Effect

During a car accident, the body experiences sudden and forceful movements that can cause severe injuries. The head and neck are particularly vulnerable to these forces due to their role in supporting and protecting the brain. When a car suddenly stops or collides with another object, the head is jolted back and forth, causing a whiplash effect.

This motion can have serious consequences for the brain, including contusions, hemorrhages, and diffuse axonal injury. These injuries can result in long-term or permanent damage to the brain, impacting a person’s physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities.

If you have suffered from a head injury in a car accident, it is important to seek help from a car accident lawyer in Denver, CO. They can help you understand your legal rights and fight for the compensation you deserve for your injuries. 

Insufficient Head Protection

Unlike motorcyclists, car occupants are not required to wear helmets while driving. This lack of direct head protection can increase the risk of severe head injuries during a car accident. Even with seatbelts and airbags, the head remains vulnerable to impact.

A car accident attorney in Denver can help you understand your rights if you or a loved one has suffered a head injury in a car accident. They may be able to hold negligent parties accountable for failing to provide adequate safety measures, such as proper restraints or advanced airbag technology, that could have prevented your injury. 

High Impact Forces 

High-speed collisions generate enormous kinetic energy, which is transferred to the occupants upon impact. This force can be sufficient to cause the head to hit hard surfaces inside the vehicle or even deform the structural integrity of the car, increasing the likelihood of severe head injuries.

The impact can lead to several critical injuries, including: 

  • Severe Concussions: High-force impacts can cause the brain to move violently within the skull, leading to concussions. 
  • Skull Fractures: The head may collide with surfaces like the windshield or dashboard, risking a skull fracture. 
  • Contusions: Bruising of the brain can occur due to violent shaking or impacts, leading to serious complications. 
  • Diffuse Axonal Injury: This type of injury happens when the brain experiences rotational forces, causing damage to the axons in nerve cells. 

Understanding these risks emphasizes the importance of safety measures, such as wearing seatbelts and ensuring proper vehicle maintenance.

Side Impact Collisions and the Risk of Head Injuries

In a car accident, side-impact collisions are one of the most common types of impacts. Unfortunately, these types of accidents also pose a high risk for head injuries. This is because the sides of vehicles offer less protection compared to the front and rear ends.

During a side-impact collision, passengers can be thrown sideways with great force. This movement can cause their heads to strike hard surfaces such as side windows or door frames.

Depending on the severity of the impact, this can lead to direct trauma and potentially serious head injuries such as intracranial bleeding or skull fractures. This is why it’s important to always wear a seatbelt and ensure that your vehicle has functioning airbags. These safety measures can significantly reduce the risk of head injuries in side-impact collisions. 

If you do suffer from a head injury due to someone else’s negligence, seeking legal assistance from a Denver car accident lawyer can help you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries and any related expenses.

Head-On Collisions

Head-on collisions occur when two vehicles crash into each other from the front, usually at high speeds. These accidents can be hazardous because the impact force is concentrated directly on the car’s occupants. When this happens, passengers experience significant forward motion, leading to their heads striking the steering wheel, dashboard, or windshield.

The intense force from a head-on collision does not just place stress on the passengers’ heads; it also increases the risk of injury from any loose objects inside the vehicle. Items like bags or tools can become dangerous projectiles that may strike occupants as the car comes to an abrupt stop.

To help protect against these risks, it is crucial for all passengers to wear seatbelts and for vehicles to be equipped with airbags.

Airbag Deployment Risks 

While airbags are an essential safety feature in modern cars, they can also pose a risk of head injuries if not used correctly. In rare cases, when the airbag deploys with too much force, it can cause facial injuries or concussions. To prevent this, it is important to always wear a seatbelt and maintain proper distance from the airbag.

If you have suffered a head injury due to faulty airbag deployment during an accident, seeking legal help from an auto accident attorney in Denver can ensure that you are properly compensated for your injuries. They can investigate the cause of the faulty airbag and hold responsible parties accountable for their negligence. 

Get Compensated For Your Injuries

Head injuries can have severe and long-lasting effects on a person’s quality of life. That is why it is essential to understand the risks associated with car accidents and take necessary safety measures, such as wearing seatbelts and maintaining your vehicle properly. If you do suffer from a head injury due to someone else’s negligence in a car accident, seeking assistance from a Denver car accident attorney is important.

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