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78-Year-Old Colorado Man Killed in Bike vs. Car Accident

A tragic crash recently claimed the life of a 78-year-old bicycle rider in Longmont, once again showing the danger that comes when bikes and cars do not safely share the road.

The man was riding a recumbent bicycle east on Clover Basin Drive between Renaissance Drive and Delsarto Lane in Longmont when he collided with a car traveling in the same direction. The 25-year-old motorist involved in the accident remained at the scene, according to police officers.

The exact cause of the crash has yet to be determined.

Bicycle riders were not at fault in nearly 59 percent of crashes with cars in Colorado over the last decade, according to data compiled by local news outlet KUNC.

Although bicycle traffic accidents happen less likely than other types of crashes, those collisions more frequently result in serious injuries and death than others.

For example, only about 1% of the roughly 190,000 traffic accidents reported in Denver over the last eight years involved bicycles, according to Denver Police Department data compiled by KDVR. While Denver sees about 70 traffic accidents a week, only about one per week involves a bike. 

At the same time, bicyclists are six times as likely than others to be seriously injured when crashes happen, the data show. Bicycle riders were seriously injured in about 12% of crashes over the eight-year period.

The Rules Governing Colorado Bicycle Riders and Motor Vehicle Drivers

Colorado laws are designed to protect both bicyclists and drivers by ensuring that they share the road safely. That includes requiring bicycle riders and motorists to act in a reasonably safe manner. The law makes them liable for any accidents that happen when they fail to live up to that responsibility.

Car drivers passing bicycles traveling in the same direction are required to allow at least three feet between the right side of the vehicle and the bicycle. Bicyclists are required to stay in the right-hand lane at all times, except when preparing to make a left turn, overtaking a slower vehicle or avoiding hazards.

Although many states have enacted laws requiring bike riders to strap on helmets before hitting the road, it remains voluntary in Colorado. Bicyclists of all ages can legally operate their bikes without helmets, but doing so puts them at risk of serious and even life-threatening head injuries.

Speak With a Denver Injury Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one has been injured in a bicycle, car or other accident in Colorado, an experienced Denver injury lawyer at Levine Law can help you seek the maximum available compensation from those responsible (and their insurers). 

Our Denver accident attorneys combine decades of experience helping people injured in a wide range of accidents get the money they deserve. We have a strong track record of success for the people that we represent in the courtroom and through negotiated settlements. We are so confident in our ability that we take many cases on a contingent fee basis, meaning we do not get paid unless we obtain compensation for you.

Our lawyers are pleased to serve clients throughout Colorado, including in Denver, Colorado Springs, Ft. Collins and Loveland. Call us at 303-333-8000 or contact us online to speak with a Denver injury lawyer.

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