Author: Team Levine Law

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Trucking Laws: NTSB Pushes for Regulation Updates

According to the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), we should be doing more to protect truckers and other drivers from trucking accidents, as the number of fatalities in these

National Work Zone Awareness

Most people are not on high alert for potential dangers and threats in their workplace, but road workers out on the nation’s highways and local roads risk injury every day.

Pedestrian Safety

Millions of people rely on their own two feet for transportation instead of a car or bus every day. While these pedestrians and bikers make up a large group of

Drowsy Driving Agenda

The dangers of combining drugs or alcohol with driving have been well-documented and are included in every driver’s education course. Teenagers receive numerous lectures about drinking and driving while studying

The Dangers of Tailgating

Signs line the highway to warn drivers about the dangers of tailgating, but far too often, an impatient driver will creep up behind the car ahead, edging and edging up