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Colorado Drivers Face New Traction Requirements This Winter

As winter nears, our Denver personal injury attorney wants all drivers in Colorado to be prepared and make note of the new traction requirements for hitting the road when the snow starts to fall.

A new law passed in August requires cars to have tires with at least 3/16 tread to drive on snowy roads. The law, which applies to driving on state highways, also allows motorists to instead use chains or an alternative traction device, like AutoSock. 

The law, signed by Gov. Jared Polis over the summer, is designed to protect everyone on the road during snowy weather by increasing tread standards. It is also in effect regardless of weather conditions on I-70 between Dotsero and Morrison from Sept. 1 through May 31.

In addition, the state’s chain law will continue to be effective in severe weather situations, as the last step before road closures. All vehicles on state highways must have chains or an AutoSock when the chain law is in effect.

Motorists will be alerted when the traction or chain laws are in effect via highway signage,, and traffic or roadway condition alerts. 

Infractions will cost drivers anywhere from $130 to $650 in fines and surcharges, depending on the circumstances. Enforcement is limited, however.

“The Colorado State Patrol (CSP) will enforce the Traction and Chain Laws as secondary offenses,” the state Department of Transportation says on its website. “This means CSP can only cite motorists if they crash and/or cause traffic delays and are not compliant with the laws.”

Car Accidents and Your Legal Rights – Let Our Denver Personal Injury Attorney Help

Nasty winter weather and negligent driving is a recipe for disaster on the road. Accidents can and do happen, often causing serious and even fatal injuries.

Anyone who is injured in a car accident in Colorado has the right to seek compensation from those responsible. That includes a negligent driver who gets behind the wheel of a car while intoxicated, as well as those who speed, text, or otherwise engage in risky behavior.

The money damages often awarded in Colorado car accident cases are designed to put a person injured in a car accident back as close as possible to the financial situation he or she was in at the time of the crash. The compensation includes money for medical bills, missed wages, and any long-term impact on an injured person’s earning capacity.

How Our Denver Auto Accident Attorney Can Help

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident in Colorado, it is important to seek the assistance of a seasoned Denver personal injury attorney.

At Levine Law, our personal injury lawyers combine decades of experience helping people injured in car and other accidents get the money they deserve. We have dedicated our careers to guiding people through the legal process with experience and personalized attention.

We are pleased to serve clients throughout Colorado, including in Denver, Colorado Springs, Ft. Collins, and Loveland. Call us at 303-333-8000 or contact us online to speak with a Denver auto accident attorney.

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