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How to Prevent Motorcycle Accident Injuries

If you are a biker, you know that there is nothing as freeing as riding a motorcycle on the open road. Without the confinement of a car surrounding you, the road feels like an extension of yourself. The speed, the wind, the excitement of what lies around the next turn or curve, all can make you feel invincible.

You never head out for a ride thinking you might get into an accident, but the truth is that a motorcycle accident can happen any time, and the probability of serious injury is high.

If you are injured in an accident, seeking the assistance of experienced Colorado Springs motorcycle accident attorneys is important. But there are some precautions you can take to reduce the likelihood of serious injury while still enjoying the great feeling that riding a motorcycle gives you.

Always Wear Your Helmet

It is indisputable that wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle dramatically reduces the chances of a head injury or even death in the event of an accident. In fact, traumatic brain injury can occur if a motorcyclist is in an accident even while traveling at law speeds. But even though this is accepted as common knowledge—and there are numerous studies to back it up—many people continue to ride without a helmet.

Helmets are mandatory for all riders in only 19 states. In Colorado, wearing a helmet is only required for motorcyclists and their passengers who are under 18. Even if you are not required by law to wear a helmet, you should wear one anyway.

Choose Protective Clothing

Wearing the proper protective clothing while riding a motorcycle can also offer you some protection should you end up in an accident. Experts advise riders to wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts, preferably ones that are made of abrasion-resistant material such as leather. Sunglasses or a face shield will protect your eyes and face from debris. It is also advisable to wear some type of reflective clothing if you are riding at night.

Maintain Your Motorcycle at Peak Performance

Keep up with the recommended preventive maintenance for your bike. This includes regular oil changes, making sure your brakes undergo inspection and replacement when necessary, and keeping your tires in peak safety condition. Make sure all your lights are working properly and if any of them are broken or burn out, replace them as soon as you can.

Ride at Your Skill Level

Like pretty much everything else, motorcycle riding is a skill that takes practice. It is important to know your limits and ride accordingly. If you are a novice rider or just want to boost your confidence, you can take classes from c is not the time to test yourself or push your expertise to new heights. However, if you do wish to improve your riding skills, take a class from a professional trainer. The Colorado State Patrol recommends training for both novice and more experienced motorcyclists to improve their skills and keep the roads safer for everyone.

What to Do if You Are in a Motorcycle Accident

If you are in a motorcycle accident, seek medical attention immediately, even if you don’t think you are injured. Sometimes injuries like concussions and other traumatic brain injuries do not show up immediately, and the same is true for certain types of soft tissue injuries.

Experienced Colorado Springs motorcycle accident lawyers can evaluate your case and help you recover what you are entitled to. The motorcycle accident attorneys at Levine Law can help you recover for your injuries, lost wages, and other damages that result from another’s negligence. Contact our attorneys at either online or by calling 719-471-3000 for a free consultation.

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