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Men More Likely to be Aggressive Drivers, AAA Survey Says

Men and younger drivers are more likely than others to engage in aggressive behavior behind the wheel, according to a new survey from the American Automobile Association. 

More men than women admitted to speeding, tailgating, running red lights, switching lanes aggressively, and making rude gestures to or honking at other drivers in the annual survey. AAA also said that younger drivers were more likely to admit to aggressive behavior than others, regardless of gender.

Nearly eight out of 10 of all drivers surveyed admitted to engaging in at least some aggressive behavior behind the wheel.

“Speeding, red-light running, and cutting other drivers off can kill you, your passengers, and others sharing the road,” Jake Nelson, AAA’s director of traffic safety advocacy, said in a statement announcing the survey results. “Driving aggressively isn’t worth the risk. When you get behind the wheel, be patient, be kind, and obey traffic laws so everyone gets home safely.”

More than half (52%) of the men who participated in the study admitted to speeding more than 15 miles per hour above posted limits on highways. More than one-third (38%) said they had followed closely behind cars to prevent others from merging.

While speeding is not the only form of aggressive driving, it may be the most fatal. More than 9,000 people are killed across the country each year in accidents that involve excessive speed, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Injured in a Car Accident in Colorado? We Can Help

The good news for anyone injured in a car accident in Colorado is that you have the right to seek compensation from those responsible for the crash.

The money damages typically available in these cases include compensation for doctors’ bills, property damage, missed wages during recuperation, and any reduction in longer-term earning capacity resulting from the injuries

To get that compensation, you generally need to be able to prove negligence. Drivers owe others on the road a legal responsibility to operate their vehicles in a reasonably safe manner. That means refraining from aggressive driving like speeding, tailgating, and dangerous lane changing. A driver that does not meet this standard is likely to be found negligent and liable for any accidents that happen as a result. 

Speak with a Denver Auto Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car crash in Colorado, a Denver auto accident lawyer at Levine Law can help you get the full compensation available.

Our attorneys combine decades of experience helping people injured in accidents get the money they deserve. We have dedicated our careers to helping our neighbors in the community get back on their feet after an accident.

Our firm is pleased to serve clients throughout Colorado, including in Denver, Colorado Springs, Ft. Collins, and Loveland. Call us at 303-333-8000 or contact us online to speak with a Denver auto accident lawyer.

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