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Motorcycle Accidents

Many people consider motorcycles to be unsafe — they’re too fast and unprotected, and they’re risky for those who use them and who share the road with them. It is true that when a motorcycle and a car collide, the motorcycle usually bears the brunt of the damage and the bike rider typically sustains more severe injuries.

However, it is not necessarily true that bikers are inherently unsafe on the road and that a motorcyclist is always to blame for a car accident or collision. In many car accidents, a safe, law-abiding motorcyclist may have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit against the automobile driver. 

When a motorcyclist takes the necessary precautions such as wearing a helmet, obeying traffic signals and speed limits, as well as the rules of the road, motorcycles do not cause unsafe conditions any more than other vehicles or bikes do when they follow the laws.

Even if the biker covers all his bases, it can be difficult to prove innocence against another driver in an accident, but this should not deter a person from filing a lawsuit to recover damages if he or she has been injured in a collision. That being the case, it’s important to know how to approach a personal injury claim and understand what actions should be taken by the injured biker.

A great deal of car vs. motorcycle accidents occur when a driver fails to notice a biker and makes a left or right turn across the bike’s path or shifts lanes abruptly, leaving no room for the motorcycle. The driver who caused the accident may try to mitigate his or her involvement or responsibility by placing blame on the biker. The driver may say he never saw the motorcyclist or that the bike was in his blind spot, or that the biker came up behind him too quickly to see as he was changing lanes or turning.

In such cases, eyewitness testimony is critical to counter the driver’s statements. Anyone who witnessed an accident may be able to provide testimony to prove that the other driver should have seen the motorcycle or that the biker was driving safely. Other evidence may include skid marks, the driving report from the motorcyclist or the other driver and any details left at the scene, including debris from either vehicle. Typically, the smaller, less protected bike takes the brunt of the impact in a collision and this could leave glass or other parts behind that indicate how the crash happened.

Contact an Attorney Today

It’s important to start the process of protecting yourself and seeking damages as soon as you have been involved in a motorcycle accident with another car. Insurance can only cover so much of the expenses, and most motorcycle accidents involve extensive medical costs and repairs. You need to ensure that your expenses will be covered and that you can hold the responsible party accountable for any pain and suffering. For more information about motorcycle accidents and biking laws in Pennsylvania, contact the State College personal injury attorneys at Rehmeyer & Allat for a consultation today.

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