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Protect Kids from Concussion By Choosing Football Helmets Wisely

Choosing the right football helmet for young players doesn’t have to cost a fortune. New research shows that more expensive helmets do not protect players from concussions and other brain and neck injuries any more effectively than standard helmets do.

According to a study conducted at the University of Wisconsin, players who wore standard football helmets suffered the same rate of injury, symptoms, and recovery times as players who wore newer, heavier, and more expensive helmets. The study, conducted by the University of Wisconsin Health Sports Medicine Center, found that high school students who wore standard helmets were protected from injury as well as those who wore more expensive helmets – despite the advertising claims made by manufacturers of the more expensive helmets.

The study followed over 1,300 Wisconsin high school football players. Coaches kept track of the equipment each player used and the injuries, if any, that each player suffered over the course of the season. While the data showed that more expensive football helmets did not help players, it also revealed one surprising fact: more expensive mouth guards did not help players either. In fact, players with expensive custom-fitted mouth guards tended to suffer more severe concussions than players who used the cheap, mass-produced mouth guards provided by the school.

Denver personal injury attorneys follow the research on concussion and traumatic brain injury carefully because these injuries can occur in a wide range of contexts and cause serious harm when they do. Symptoms of a concussion or other traumatic brain injury include:

  • Loss of consciousness, which may last a few seconds or longer,
  • Being dazed, confused, or disoriented, even if the loss of consciousness does not occur,
  • Problems with memory, concentration, or communication,
  • Headache and/or neck pain,
  • Dizziness or loss of balance,
  • Nausea or vomiting,
  • Sensory problems like blurred vision, ringing in the ears, a bad taste in the mouth, or tingling feelings in the extremities,
  • Sensitivity to light or sound,
  • Changes in mood, including mood swings, depression, or anxiety,
  • Fatigue, drowsiness, or sleepiness, including difficulty sleeping or sleeping more than usual.

Any person who suffers a blow to the head should be evaluated by a qualified physician for a concussion or other traumatic brain injuries. Even a mild traumatic brain injury can cause impairments in everyday functioning, and a person who suffers any kind of brain injury should take extra care not to re-injure the head before the initial injury has fully healed. When any of the above symptoms occur, the patient should be taken to an emergency room or other medical centers immediately for evaluation. Traumatic brain injuries should never be taken lightly.

If you or someone you love suffers a brain injury this year, please don’t hesitate to speak to an experienced Denver personal injury attorney like the team at Levine Law. We’ll help you understand your legal rights and decide how best to protect yourself and those you love.

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