Category: Worker’s Compensation in Denver

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Off-the-Clock Injuries

When you are injured at work, workers’ compensation will cover the costs of your injury, medical expenses, ongoing treatment, associated costs and even your time off while you are recuperating.

Safer Mail Trucks on the Way

The United States Postal Service fleet may be getting a new look as they seek to replace the dated delivery trucks currently in use with bigger, more fuel-efficient, and—most importantly—safer

National Work Zone Awareness

Most people are not on high alert for potential dangers and threats in their workplace, but road workers out on the nation’s highways and local roads risk injury every day.

Finding Coverage After an On-the-Job Injury

When you’re hurt at work, you need proper medical care to treat your injuries and ensure there are no further complications. But when you have to see a doctor who

Rule Change Enacted, SSDI Fight to Follow

Recently, the House of Representatives kicked off the year by enacting a minor procedural change that could lead to a major fight for people who receive Social Security disability benefits